Sunday, June 30, 2013


Quick update! Wanted to play around with blending effects; model will eventually be apart of the first environment that I'll be working on.

Sketchfab link:

Friday, June 28, 2013


Hello all! Starting one of these because I'm really interested in tracking my progress. The main objectives behind this blog is to post anything and everything that I work on, and to have it all in one place. Here's just some recent stuff.

I have some goals that I want to meet by the end of this year, and if I stick to them, I think the time span I'll be giving myself should bring some positive results:

- Create 3 solid environments (From concept painting, to final fully rendered and lit scene).
- Get a better understanding of perspective.
- Become faster at painting/drawing.
- Try to draw at least once a day.

Now it's just all about sticking to these! Hoping to update this thing at least once a week with progress shots/sketch dumps/etc.